20 Formal Synonyms for “Grandfathered In”

In the realm of legality and formalities, the term “grandfathered in” denotes a special status, often exempt from new rules or regulations. This phrase has a plethora of professional synonyms that convey a similar sense of establishment and approval.

Understanding these alternatives can enhance your communication skills and help you navigate formal discussions with finesse.

List Of Formal Synonyms for “Grandfathered In”

  • Approved
  • Sanctioned
  • Authorized
  • Endorsed
  • Accredited
  • Ratified
  • Condoned
  • Permitted
  • Legalized
  • Established
  • Entrenched
  • Validated
  • Accepted
  • Granted
  • Recognized
  • Conferred
  • Enfranchised
  • Legitimized
  • Invested
  • Sanctioned

1. Approved

When an existing arrangement or status is officially accepted, it is deemed approved. This term signifies a formal endorsement and recognition of its legitimacy.

Scenario: Dear Robert,

I am pleased to inform you that your membership has been approved under the new policy changes. Your continued commitment to our organization is highly valued.

Best regards, Michael

Additional Tip: Always express gratitude for the approval, emphasizing the significance of the established relationship.

2. Sanctioned

In the realm of formalities, having a status that is sanctioned means it has been officially authorized and approved by the relevant authorities.

Scenario: Dear Michael,

We are delighted to inform you that your project proposal has been officially sanctioned by the board. Your efforts and dedication to this initiative are truly commendable.

Sincerely, Robert

Additional Tip: Acknowledge the significance of the formal approval and express confidence in the success of the project.

3. Authorized

When a status or arrangement is granted authorization, it implies an official and legal permission for its existence.

Scenario: Dear Robert,

I am writing to inform you that your request for an extended deadline has been authorized. Your commitment to delivering quality work has been duly noted.

Best regards, Michael

Additional Tip: Acknowledge the responsibility that comes with the granted authorization and express commitment to meeting expectations.

4. Endorsed

To be endorsed implies receiving formal approval or support, often from a recognized authority or governing body.

Scenario: Dear Michael,

It is our pleasure to inform you that your candidacy has been endorsed by the selection committee. We believe your skills and experience will greatly contribute to our team.

Sincerely, Robert

Additional Tip: Express gratitude for the endorsement and convey enthusiasm about the opportunity.

5. Accredited

When a status is accredited, it means it has been officially recognized and acknowledged for meeting specific standards or criteria.

Scenario: Dear Robert,

We are pleased to announce that your institution has been accredited by the accrediting body. This achievement reflects your commitment to excellence in education.

Best regards, Michael

Additional Tip: Highlight the positive impact of accreditation on reputation and credibility.

6. Ratified

To be ratified signifies the formal approval or confirmation of a decision or arrangement, often through an official process or vote.

Scenario: Dear Michael,

I am delighted to inform you that the new policy has been ratified by the board. Your valuable input in the decision-making process is highly appreciated.

Sincerely, Robert

Additional Tip: Acknowledge the collective effort in the ratification process and express optimism for the future.

7. Condoned

When a particular status or action is condoned, it is tacitly accepted or overlooked despite potential objections.

Scenario: Dear Robert,

Your temporary absence from the meeting was condoned due to the unforeseen circumstances you faced. We understand that sometimes situations are beyond our control.

Best regards, Michael

Additional Tip: Briefly explain the circumstances leading to the condonation and express gratitude for understanding.

8. Permitted

Being permitted implies having official authorization or consent to carry out a specific action or maintain a particular status.

Scenario: Dear Michael,

Your request for extended leave has been permitted based on the provided documentation. We trust that this time away will contribute to your well-being.

Sincerely, Robert

Additional Tip: Express appreciation for the granted permission and provide assurance regarding responsibilities during the absence.

9. Legalized

When a status is legalized, it means it has been formally recognized and accepted within the bounds of the law.

Scenario: Dear Robert,

We are pleased to inform you that your business operations have been officially legalized under the new regulatory framework. Your adherence to legal requirements is commendable.

Best regards, Michael

Additional Tip: Emphasize the importance of compliance with legal standards for long-term success.

10. Established

Having a status that is established denotes a formal recognition and acceptance, often with a history or tradition behind it.

Scenario: Dear Michael,

Your position as the head of the department is well established and highly valued. Your leadership has been instrumental in the department’s success.

Sincerely, Robert

Additional Tip: Acknowledge the history and contributions that led to the established status.

Read More: Professional Synonyms for “Are You Available”

11. Entrenched

When a status is entrenched, it implies that it is deeply ingrained and firmly established, often resistant to change.

Scenario: Dear Robert,

Your policies have become entrenched within the company culture, providing stability and direction. We appreciate your long-term vision.

Best regards, Michael

Additional Tip: Acknowledge the stability provided by the entrenched status and express commitment to its continuation.

12. Validated

To be validated means to be officially recognized and confirmed as genuine or legitimate.

Scenario: Dear Michael,

We are pleased to inform you that your research findings have been validated by the expert review panel. Your contributions to the field are noteworthy.

Sincerely, Robert

Additional Tip: Emphasize the significance of validation in enhancing credibility.

13. Accepted

When a status is accepted, it is recognized and acknowledged as valid and legitimate.

Scenario: Dear Robert,

Your proposal for the new project has been well accepted by the team. Your innovative ideas are crucial for our future success.

Best regards, Michael

Additional Tip: Acknowledge the positive reception and express gratitude for the acceptance.

14. Granted

Being granted a particular status implies that it has been officially given or bestowed upon you.

Scenario: Dear Michael,

It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been granted honorary membership in recognition of your long-standing commitment to our organization.

Sincerely, Robert

Additional Tip: Express gratitude for the granted status and convey commitment to upholding its values.

15. Recognized

When a status is recognized, it is officially acknowledged and accepted as valid or legitimate.

Scenario: Dear Robert,

Your achievements in the field have been formally recognized by the industry association. Your dedication to excellence is truly commendable.

Best regards, Michael

Additional Tip: Highlight the positive impact of recognition on personal and professional growth.

16. Conferred

To be conferred a status means it has been officially granted or bestowed upon an individual or entity.

Scenario: Dear Michael,

It is our pleasure to inform you that the honorary title of “Industry Leader” has been conferred upon you by the prestigious association. Your contributions are unparalleled.

Sincerely, Robert

Additional Tip: Acknowledge the honor bestowed and express humility in receiving it.

17. Enfranchised

Being enfranchised signifies the formal granting of rights or privileges, often associated with a particular status.

Scenario: Dear Robert,

We are pleased to announce that you have been enfranchised with voting rights in the upcoming board elections. Your active participation is crucial.

Best regards, Michael

Additional Tip: Emphasize the responsibility that comes with enfranchisement and express encouragement for active involvement.

18. Legitimized

When a status is legitimized, it means it has been officially recognized and accepted as valid or legitimate.

Scenario: Dear Michael,

Your position as the official spokesperson has been legitimized by the board. Your communication skills are indispensable to our organization.

Sincerely, Robert

Additional Tip: Acknowledge the trust placed in you through legitimation and express commitment to effective communication.

19. Invested

Being invested in a particular status implies not only recognition but also a significant commitment or dedication.

Scenario: Dear Robert,

We are pleased to announce that you have been invested with the role of project lead. Your dedication and expertise make you the ideal candidate for this responsibility.

Best regards, Michael

Additional Tip: Acknowledge the responsibility that comes with investment and express commitment to success.

20. Sanctioned

To be sanctioned implies the formal approval and authorization of a particular status, often by a governing body or authority.

Scenario: Dear Michael,

We are delighted to inform you that your proposal for a new department has been officially sanctioned by the executive committee. Your strategic vision is highly valued.

Sincerely, Robert

Additional Tip: Emphasize the collaborative effort in obtaining the sanctioned status and express optimism for the department’s success.

Pros and Cons of Grandfathered In Status


  • Stability: Having a grandfathered in status provides stability and continuity in established relationships or systems.
  • Recognition: It signifies formal recognition and approval, boosting credibility and reputation.
  • Exemption: Often, grandfathered in statuses come with exemptions from new rules or regulations, providing flexibility.


  • Resistance to Change: Grandfathered in statuses may resist adaptation to new practices or innovations.
  • Inequality: It can create a perceived inequality among individuals or entities, especially if not everyone has the same status.
  • Dependency: Dependence on grandfathered in status might hinder the motivation for improvement or innovation.

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