20 Formal Synonyms for “It Is Worth Mentioning”

In the realm of formal communication, precision and clarity are paramount. Often, in both written and spoken discourse, the choice of words can significantly impact how a message is perceived. One phrase frequently employed to introduce additional information or draw attention to a particular point is “It Is Worth Mentioning.” 

However, for those seeking to elevate their language and convey a sense of sophistication, there exist numerous synonyms that can serve this purpose effectively. In this article, we will explore twenty formal alternatives to the phrase “It Is Worth Mentioning,” accompanied by scenario examples to illustrate their usage.

List of Formal Synonyms for “It Is Worth Mentioning”

  • It is worthy of remark.
  • It merits attention.
  • It deserves acknowledgment.
  • It commands consideration.
  • It bears mentioning.
  • It is deserving of mention.
  • It is significant to note.
  • It is important to highlight.
  • It is pertinent to mention.
  • It is of note.
  • It is of importance to mention.
  • It is noteworthy.
  • It is notable to mention.
  • It is deserving of recognition.
  • It is crucial to mention.
  • It is worthy of discussion.
  • It is essential to point out.
  • It is imperative to mention.
  • It is relevant to mention.
  • It is worthy of attention.

1. It is Worth Noting

Scenario: In a professional email discussing a project update, Oscar wants to draw attention to a crucial aspect that has been overlooked.

Dear Royal,

I hope this email finds you well. As we delve into the latest developments of our project, it is worth noting that the budget allocation for marketing initiatives has not yet been finalized.

Best regards, Oscar

Tip: “Worth noting” is a versatile phrase suitable for various contexts, from formal reports to casual conversations.

2. It is Worth Bringing Up

Scenario: During a team meeting, Oscar wishes to introduce a new idea that could improve efficiency.

Dear Royal,

I would like to bring up the possibility of implementing a weekly progress report to streamline our communication and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Best regards, Oscar

Tip: “Bringing up” implies raising a topic for discussion and consideration, making it ideal for proposing ideas or addressing issues.

3. I Would Like to Point Out

Scenario: In an academic paper, Oscar wants to draw attention to a key finding that supports his argument.

Dear Royal,

In analyzing the data, I would like to point out a significant correlation between customer satisfaction ratings and repeat purchases.

Regards, Oscar

Tip: “Point out” emphasizes drawing attention to specific details or observations, adding clarity to written or spoken discourse.

4. It’s Worth Highlighting

Scenario: In a presentation to stakeholders, Oscar wants to emphasize the positive impact of recent marketing campaigns.

Dear Royal,

As we review the quarterly results, it’s worth highlighting the impressive growth in market share attributed to our targeted advertising efforts.

Warm regards, Oscar

Tip: “Worth highlighting” underscores the importance of a particular aspect, making it ideal for emphasizing key points or achievements.

5. I Would Like to Mention

Scenario: In a formal letter of recommendation, Oscar wants to include additional qualifications of the candidate.

Dear Royal,

Regarding Sarah’s application, I would like to mention her exceptional leadership skills, demonstrated through her successful management of multiple projects simultaneously.

Warm regards, Oscar

Tip: “Would like to mention” is a polite and straightforward way to introduce new information or observations in written correspondence.

6. It’s Worth Pointing Out

Scenario: In a team discussion about potential risks, Oscar wants to draw attention to a specific vulnerability in the project plan.

Dear Royal,

As we finalize the risk assessment, it’s worth pointing out the potential impact of supply chain disruptions on our production schedule.

Best regards, Oscar

Tip: “Worth pointing out” directs attention to a particular aspect or detail, often used to highlight notable considerations or concerns.

Related Post:  20 Professional Synonyms for “Thank You for Your Concern”

7. You Should Also Know

Scenario: In an email updating a colleague on project developments, Oscar wants to ensure they are aware of an upcoming deadline.

Dear Royal,

As we approach the next phase of the project, you should also know that the deadline for submitting revised proposals is fast approaching.

Best regards, Oscar

Tip: “You should also know” invites the recipient to consider additional information or factors relevant to the discussion.

8. You Should Acknowledge

Scenario: In a formal report submitted to upper management, Oscar wants to emphasize the importance of a particular risk mitigation strategy.

Dear Royal,

As we assess the potential risks associated with the new venture, you should acknowledge the critical role of contingency planning in safeguarding our investments.

Warm regards, Oscar

Tip: “You should acknowledge” prompts the recipient to recognize or give credence to a specific point or consideration.

9. It’s Worth Stating

Scenario: In a board meeting, Oscar wants to reiterate the company’s commitment to ethical business practices.

Dear Royal,

As we discuss our corporate values, it’s worth stating our unwavering commitment to integrity and transparency in all our dealings.

Best regards, Oscar

Tip: “Worth stating” emphasizes the importance of expressing a particular idea or principle explicitly, often used to reinforce key messages.

10. I Would Like to Comment On

Scenario: In a conference call with stakeholders, Oscar wants to provide insights into market trends that could affect the company’s strategy.

Dear Royal,

In light of recent market fluctuations, I would like to comment on the growing demand for sustainable products and its potential impact on our product development roadmap.

Warm regards, Oscar

Tip: “Would like to comment on” invites the speaker to share their observations or opinions on a specific topic, fostering discussion and analysis.

Read More: Words to Use Instead of “And” to Start a Sentence

11. It is Worth Drawing Attention To

Scenario: In a project status report shared with stakeholders, Oscar wants to highlight a potential bottleneck in the production process.

Dear Royal,

As we review the current status of the project, it is worth drawing attention to the limited capacity of our manufacturing facility, which could affect our ability to meet deadlines.

Best regards, Oscar

Tip: “Drawing attention to” emphasizes the act of focusing on a particular aspect or issue, often used to signal importance or urgency.

12. It is Essential to Note

Scenario: In a legal memorandum discussing contractual obligations, Oscar wants to emphasize a critical clause.

Dear Royal,

In reviewing the terms of the agreement, it is essential to note the indemnification provision, which outlines each party’s liability in the event of a breach.

Sincerely, Oscar

Tip: “Essential to note” underscores the importance of a specific detail or provision, indicating its significance in the context of the discussion.

13. It is Crucial to Mention

Scenario: In a sales presentation, Oscar wants to emphasize the unique selling points of the company’s product.

Dear Royal,

As we showcase our latest product line, it is crucial to mention the innovative features that set us apart from competitors.

Warm regards, Oscar

Tip: “Crucial to mention” highlights the necessity of including certain information or points, signaling their importance for the audience’s understanding or decision-making.

14. It is Imperative to Bring to Your Attention

Scenario: In an urgent memo to department heads, Oscar wants to alert them to a security breach.

Related Post:  20 Polite Ways to Say “Never Mind” in an Email

Dear Royal,

As we address the recent security incident, it is imperative to bring to your attention the potential data exposure and the immediate steps we need to take to mitigate risks.

Best regards, Oscar

Tip: “Imperative to bring to your attention” conveys a sense of urgency and importance, signaling the critical nature of the information being shared.

15. It is Relevant to Bring Up

Scenario: During a client meeting, Oscar wants to introduce a new service offering that aligns with the client’s needs.

Dear Royal,

In discussing our service portfolio, it is relevant to bring up the recent addition of personalized consulting services, tailored to address your specific business challenges.

Warm regards, Oscar

Tip: “Relevant to bring up” emphasizes the connection between the topic being introduced and the current discussion or context, ensuring its appropriateness and significance.

16. It is Pertinent to Note

Scenario: In a research paper analyzing market trends, Oscar wants to highlight a recurring pattern.

Dear Royal,

As we delve into the data analysis, it is pertinent to note the consistent correlation between consumer preferences and purchasing behavior across different demographics.

Sincerely, Oscar

Tip: “Pertinent to note” emphasizes the relevance or significance of a particular observation or finding, guiding the reader’s attention to its importance in the overall context.

17. It is Significant to Bring Up

Scenario: In a performance review meeting, Oscar wants to address a pattern of behavior that impacts team dynamics.

Dear Royal,

During our discussion, it is significant to bring up the impact of absenteeism on team morale and productivity.

Best regards, Oscar

Tip: “Significant to bring up” underscores the importance or seriousness of the topic being introduced, signaling its relevance to the discussion at hand.

18. It is Deserving of Your Attention

Scenario: In a memorandum outlining changes to company policies, Oscar wants to ensure compliance among employees.

Dear Royal,

As we implement updates to our policies, it is deserving of your attention to familiarize yourself with the revised guidelines.

Warm regards, Oscar

Tip: “Deserving of your attention” conveys the importance of the information being shared, urging the recipient to allocate time and consideration to review it thoroughly.

19. It Commands Consideration

Scenario: In a team brainstorming session, Oscar wants to propose a new approach to project management.

Dear Royal,

As we explore ways to enhance our project execution, it commands consideration to adopt an agile methodology to improve flexibility and responsiveness.

Best regards, Oscar

Tip: “Commands consideration” suggests that the idea or suggestion merits serious thought or deliberation, signaling its potential value or impact.

20. It Demands Acknowledgment

Scenario: In a policy update communication sent to all employees, Oscar wants to ensure understanding and compliance.

Dear Royal,

As we roll out changes to our remote work policy, it demands acknowledgment that all employees review and adhere to the updated guidelines.

Warm regards, Oscar

Pros and Cons:


  • Enhances clarity and precision in communication.
  • Adds variety and sophistication to language.
  • Helps to emphasize key points effectively.


  • Overuse may dilute impact.
  • Requires contextual understanding for appropriate usage.
  • Some alternatives may be perceived as overly formal in certain contexts.

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