20 Formal Ways to Say “Got It, Thank You”

Last updated on June 28th, 2024 at 01:08 pm

Effective communication involves not only understanding but also expressing acknowledgment appropriately. Instead of a simple “Got it, thank you,” consider diversifying your responses with these 20 formal alternatives to convey your understanding and appreciation.

List Of Formal Ways to Say “Got It, Thank You”

  • Acknowledged, thank you.
  • Noted with gratitude.
  • Appreciate the information.
  • Received and understood, thank you.
  • I comprehend, thank you.
  • I grasp the details, thanks.
  • Your input is well-received, thank you.
  • I acknowledge your message, thank you.
  • I’ve taken note, thank you.
  • Fully understood, thank you.
  • Your guidance is appreciated.
  • Thank you for the clarification.
  • I’ve registered the information, thank you.
  • I’m grateful for the update.
  • Thank you for the prompt response.
  • I’ve assimilated the information, thanks.
  • Your communication is acknowledged, thank you.
  • I appreciate your promptness, thank you.
  • Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
  • Understood and appreciated, thank you.

1. Acknowledged, Thank You

Adding a touch of formality, “Acknowledged, thank you” assures the sender that you’ve received and comprehended the information.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Follow-up Meeting Details

Dear Kinsley,

I’ve acknowledged the details for our upcoming follow-up meeting. Thank you for providing the necessary information. I look forward to our discussion.

Best regards, Grayson

Additional Note:

This phrase combines acknowledgment with gratitude, creating a polite and formal response.

2. Noted with Gratitude

Expressing both acknowledgment and appreciation, “Noted with gratitude” adds a respectful tone to your response.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Project Update

Dear Grayson,

Your project update has been noted with gratitude. Thank you for keeping me informed. Your efforts are truly appreciated.

Sincerely, Kinsley

Additional Note:

This phrase is ideal for expressing appreciation while confirming receipt of information.

3. Appreciate the Information

A straightforward way to express thanks while acknowledging the provided information.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Schedule Adjustment

Dear Kinsley,

I appreciate the information regarding the schedule adjustment. Thank you for keeping me informed. Your proactive communication is valued.

Best regards, Grayson

Additional Note:

Using “Appreciate the information” emphasizes gratitude for the details shared.

4. Received and Understood, Thank You

A concise way to confirm receipt and understanding of the communicated information.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Training Materials

Hi Grayson,

I’ve received and understood the training materials. Thank you for ensuring their timely delivery.

Best, Kinsley

Additional Note:

This phrase is effective in professional settings, clearly indicating comprehension and gratitude.

5. I Comprehend, Thank You

Adding a formal touch, “I comprehend, thank you” communicates a thorough understanding.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Policy Update

Dear Kinsley,

I’ve reviewed the recent policy update, and I comprehend the changes. Thank you for keeping me informed.

Sincerely, Grayson

Additional Note:

This phrase works well when emphasizing a detailed understanding of the information provided.

6. I Grasp the Details, Thanks

A more casual yet formal way to acknowledge understanding and express thanks.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Project Guidelines

Hey Kinsley,

I’ve gone through the project guidelines, and I grasp the details. Thanks for the clear instructions.

Best, Grayson

Additional Note:

This phrase maintains a balance between formality and friendliness.

7. Your Input is Well-Received, Thank You

Emphasizing the value of the information received, “Your input is well-received, thank you” adds a polite touch to your acknowledgment.

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Scenario Example:

Subject: Team Suggestions

Dear Grayson,

The team suggestions you provided are well-received. Thank you for your valuable input.

Best regards, Kinsley

Additional Note:

This phrase is effective in team settings, acknowledging and appreciating contributions.

8. I Acknowledge Your Message, Thank You

A more formal way to confirm receipt of a message and express gratitude.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Client Inquiry

Dear Kinsley,

I acknowledge your message regarding the client inquiry. Thank you for keeping me informed.

Sincerely, Grayson

Additional Note:

Use this phrase in professional or business communication to convey formality.

9. I’ve Taken Note, Thank You

Conveying a sense of recording information, “I’ve taken note, thank you” assures the sender that you’ve documented the details.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Meeting Agenda

Hi Grayson,

I’ve taken note of the meeting agenda. Thank you for sharing the details in advance.

Best, Kinsley

Additional Note:

This phrase implies that you’ve not only understood but also documented the information for reference.

10. Fully Understood, Thank You

Offering complete assurance, “Fully understood, thank you” emphasizes a thorough comprehension of the communicated information.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Project Expectations

Dear Kinsley,

I’ve reviewed the project expectations and can confirm that I’ve fully understood them. Thank you for the detailed guidelines.

Best regards, Grayson

Additional Note:

This phrase is suitable for situations where precision and clarity are essential.

Read More: Formal Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

11. Your Guidance is Appreciated

Acknowledging the sender’s guidance adds a personal touch to your response.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Strategic Planning

Hi Grayson,

Your guidance on the strategic planning process is appreciated. Thank you for providing valuable insights.

Best, Kinsley

Additional Note:

This phrase is suitable when expressing gratitude for mentorship or guidance.

12. Thank You for the Clarification

When the received information required clarification, expressing thanks adds a positive note to your request for additional details.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Project Scope

Dear Kinsley,

I appreciate the project scope you provided. However, I would need further clarification on a few points. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Sincerely, Grayson

Additional Note:

This phrase is polite while indicating the need for additional information.

13. I’ve Registered the Information, Thank You

Conveying that the information has been registered ensures the sender that it has been duly noted and recorded.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Policy Changes

Hi Grayson,

I wanted to confirm that I’ve registered the information regarding the policy changes. Thank you for the update.

Best, Kinsley

Additional Note:

This phrase indicates a more formal acknowledgment, suitable for official matters.

14. I’m Grateful for the Update

Expressing gratitude for updates adds a positive tone to your acknowledgment.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Project Progress

Dear Kinsley,

I’m grateful for the update on the project progress. Thank you for keeping me informed.

Sincerely, Grayson

Additional Note:

This phrase is suitable for acknowledging updates and keeping the tone positive.

15. Thank You for the Prompt Response

When the acknowledgment involves a timely response, expressing thanks for the promptness adds appreciation.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Urgent Inquiry

Hi Grayson,

I appreciate your prompt response to my urgent inquiry. Thank you for your swift action.

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Best regards, Kinsley

Additional Note:

This phrase is effective when acknowledging quick and efficient responses.

16. I’ve Assimilated the Information, Thanks

Implying a thorough understanding and integration of the provided information.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Training Session Recap

Hey Kinsley,

I’ve gone through the recap of the training session, and I can confirm that I’ve assimilated the information. Thanks for the detailed overview.

Best, Grayson

Additional Note:

This phrase indicates not just understanding but the integration of information into one’s knowledge.

17. Your Communication is Acknowledged, Thank You

When responding to detailed communication, acknowledging the entire message shows respect for the sender’s effort.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Project Proposal

Dear Grayson,

Your detailed project proposal is acknowledged. Thank you for the comprehensive communication. I’ll review and provide feedback soon.

Best regards, Kinsley

Additional Note:

Use this phrase when the received information is substantial and requires careful consideration.

18. I Appreciate Your Promptness, Thank You

Expressing gratitude for promptness, especially in professional settings, adds a courteous touch to your acknowledgment.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Deadline Extension Request

Dear Kinsley,

I appreciate your prompt response to my request for a deadline extension. Thank you for considering and accommodating.

Sincerely, Grayson

Additional Note:

This phrase combines acknowledgment with gratitude for quick responses.

19. Thank You for Bringing This to My Attention

Acknowledging information that might have otherwise been overlooked adds a sense of appreciation.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Project Risk Assessment

Hi Grayson,

I wasn’t aware of the potential risks you mentioned in the project. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I’ll address them promptly.

Best, Kinsley

Additional Note:

This phrase works well when acknowledging information that is critical but might have been missed.

20. Understood and Appreciated, Thank You

A comprehensive acknowledgment, combining understanding and gratitude.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Meeting Minutes

Dear Kinsley,

The meeting minutes have been understood and appreciated. Thank you for summarizing the key points.

Sincerely, Grayson

Additional Note:

This phrase encapsulates both understanding and appreciation in a formal manner.

Pros and Cons of Diversifying Formal Acknowledgments


  1. Politeness: Diversifying formal acknowledgments adds a touch of politeness and respect to your responses.
  2. Professionalism: Different expressions allow you to tailor your acknowledgment based on the formality of the communication.
  3. Clear Communication: Varied phrases help convey your understanding and gratitude in a more nuanced manner.
  4. Positive Tone: Expressing appreciation adds a positive tone to your responses, fostering a constructive communication environment.


  1. Potential Misinterpretation: Some phrases may be interpreted differently, so it’s essential to consider the context.
  2. Complexity: Constantly varying your acknowledgment expressions might add complexity to your communication style.
  3. Cultural Sensitivity: Certain expressions may not be universally understood, requiring consideration of cultural differences.
  4. Time and Effort: Crafting diverse acknowledgments may demand more time and effort than using a few standard phrases.

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