20 Other Ways to Say “Best Regards” in an Email

In the world of professional communication, signing off an email with a standard “Best Regards” can sometimes feel repetitive. If you’re looking to add a touch of variety and sophistication to your email closings, here are 20 alternative ways to convey your well-wishes. Each comes with a scenario example to illustrate its appropriate usage.

List Of Other Ways to Say “Best Regards” in an Email

  • Sincerely
  • Warm regards
  • Regards
  • Yours truly
  • Best
  • Cordially
  • Yours faithfully
  • Respectfully
  • With appreciation
  • Warmest regards
  • With gratitude
  • Yours sincerely
  • Best wishes
  • In appreciation
  • Kindest regards
  • With best regards
  • Yours truly
  • Fond regards
  • Yours respectfully
  • In earnest

1. Kind Regards

Kind Regards

Scenario: Hi Robert,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on our recent conversation regarding the upcoming project. Kind regards, Michael.

Additional Tip: Use “Kind Regards” in situations where you want to maintain professionalism but add a touch of friendliness.

2. Yours

Scenario: Dear Michael,

Thank you for your prompt response. I appreciate your insights on the matter. Looking forward to future collaborations.

Yours, Robert.

Additional Tip: “Yours” is suitable when you have an ongoing, positive relationship with the recipient.

3. Regards

Scenario: Hello Robert,

I trust this email finds you in good health. I have attached the necessary documents for your review.

Regards, Michael.

Additional Tip: “Regards” is a versatile and widely accepted closing that fits various professional contexts.

4. All the Best

Scenario: Hi Michael,

I wanted to express my gratitude for your assistance on the recent project. Your dedication is truly appreciated.

All the best, Robert.

Additional Tip: “All the Best” is a warm closing suitable for expressing goodwill and appreciation.

5. Best Wishes

Best Wishes

Scenario: Dear Robert,

As we embark on this new venture together, I wanted to extend my best wishes for our shared success.

Additional Tip: Reserve “Best Wishes” for occasions where you want to convey positive expectations.

6. My Best

Scenario: Hello Michael,

I wanted to congratulate you on your recent achievements. Your hard work and dedication truly paid off. My best, Robert.

Additional Tip: “My Best” adds a personal touch, making it suitable for congratulatory or appreciative emails.

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7. Sincerely

Scenario: Dear Robert,

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. Your expertise has been invaluable to the team.

Sincerely, Michael.

Additional Tip: “Sincerely” is a classic choice, especially for formal or business-related communication.

8. See You Soon

Scenario: Hi Michael,

I wanted to thank you for your collaboration on the recent project. Looking forward to more successful partnerships.

See you soon, Robert.

Additional Tip: “See You Soon” adds a friendly touch, ideal for ongoing relationships and future collaborations.

9. Thank You

Scenario: Dear Robert,

Your insights during our meeting were enlightening. I appreciate your valuable contributions.

Thank you, Michael.

Additional Tip: “Thank You” is a gracious and straightforward way to express appreciation.

10. Cheers

Scenario: Hi Michael,

Wishing you a relaxing weekend ahead. Enjoy some well-deserved downtime.

Cheers, Robert.

Additional Tip: “Cheers” is a casual and friendly closing, suitable for more laid-back communication.

Read More: Polite Ways to Request Signatures on Documents

11. Give Me a Few Days to Learn More

Scenario: Dear Robert,

I’m currently reviewing the materials you provided. Could you please give me a few days to learn more before we reconvene?

Additional Tip: This phrase is perfect when you need time for thorough consideration or research.

12. In Appreciation

Scenario: Hello Michael,

I wanted to express my gratitude for your continuous support. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.

In appreciation, Robert.

Additional Tip: “In Appreciation” is a formal yet warm choice for acknowledging someone’s efforts.

13. Kindest Regards

Scenario: Hi Robert,

I trust this email finds you well. I wanted to extend my gratitude for your collaboration.

Kindest regards, Michael.

Additional Tip: “Kindest Regards” is a slightly warmer alternative to the standard “Regards.”

14. With Best Regards

Scenario: Dear Michael,

I wanted to extend my warmest wishes to you and your team. Looking forward to future successes.

With best regards, Robert.

Additional Tip: “With Best Regards” is a polished and formal choice, suitable for professional relationships.

15. Yours Truly

Scenario: Hello Robert,

Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to the opportunity to work together.

Yours truly, Michael.

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Additional Tip: “Yours Truly” adds a personal touch and works well in professional but friendly settings.

16. Fond Regards

Scenario: Hi Michael,

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season. May it be filled with joy and laughter.

Fond regards, Robert.

Additional Tip: “Fond Regards” adds a warm and personal touch, ideal for festive or celebratory occasions.

17. Yours Respectfully

Scenario: Dear Robert,

I appreciate your feedback on the project. Your insights have been crucial to its success.

Yours respectfully, Michael.

Additional Tip: “Yours Respectfully” is a more formal option, suitable for showing deference or respect.

18. In Earnest

Scenario: Hello Michael,

I wanted to discuss the upcoming changes in our strategy. Your input is valued.

In earnest, Robert.

Additional Tip: “In Earnest” is a serious and sincere choice, appropriate for weighty matters or significant discussions.

19. With Appreciation

Scenario: Hi Robert,

I wanted to express my gratitude for your assistance. Your support has been invaluable.

With appreciation, Michael.

Additional Tip: “With Appreciation” is a heartfelt way to convey genuine gratitude in a professional setting.

20. Warmest Regards

Scenario: Dear Michael,

As we close another successful project, I want to extend my warmest wishes to you and your team.

Warmest regards, Robert.

Additional Tip: “Warmest Regards” is a friendly and heartfelt closing, perfect for expressing genuine warmth.

Pros and Cons


  • Versatility: These alternatives cater to various tones and levels of formality.
  • Personalization: They allow for a more personal touch, enhancing the relationship with the recipient.
  • Professionalism: While diverse, each closing maintains a level of professionalism suitable for business communication.


  • Context Sensitivity: Choosing the wrong closing may convey unintended emotions or formality.
  • Overuse: Constantly switching closings may come off as insincere or trying too hard.
  • Recipient Preferences: Some individuals may prefer traditional closings, making experimentation less suitable.

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