20 Proper Ways to Sign a Letter on Behalf of Someone Else

In the realm of professional correspondence, signing a letter on behalf of someone else requires a nuanced approach to convey authority and respect. The choice of closing phrase plays a crucial role in leaving a positive impression. Here are 20 proper ways to sign a letter on behalf of someone else, each accompanied by scenario examples and additional nuances.

List Of Proper Ways to Sign a Letter on Behalf of Someone Else

  • Sincerely,
  • Best regards,
  • Yours truly,
  • Respectfully,
  • Cordially,
  • Yours sincerely,
  • Kind regards,
  • With warm regards,
  • Best wishes,
  • Warmest regards,
  • With appreciation,
  • In appreciation,
  • Yours faithfully,
  • With gratitude,
  • With best regards,
  • Yours respectfully,
  • Very truly yours,
  • Yours cordially,
  • Faithfully yours,
  • In friendship,

1. Sincerely,

Dear Kinsley,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that Grayson, due to prior commitments, has asked me to handle correspondence on his behalf. Please find the attached document for your review.

Sincerely, Emma Thompson [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Include a brief overview of the document’s contents and express readiness for further discussion.

2. Best Regards,

Dear Kinsley,

I trust this email finds you in good health. Grayson has delegated me to communicate with you regarding the upcoming project. Attached is the revised project timeline for your consideration.

Best Regards, Sophia Miller [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Mention specific modifications in the project timeline and encourage feedback or questions.

3. Yours Truly,

Dear Kinsley,

I hope this message reaches you well. As Grayson’s representative, I am reaching out to discuss the recent developments in our collaboration. Your insights are vital, and I look forward to your feedback.

Yours Truly, Ethan Harris [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Provide a brief update on recent developments and seek input or suggestions.

4. Respectfully,

Dear Kinsley,

I trust you are doing well. Grayson has empowered me to correspond with you regarding the client meeting next week. Your attendance is crucial, and we appreciate your cooperation.

Respectfully, Olivia Adams [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Emphasize the importance of the client meeting and express gratitude for Kinsley’s cooperation.

5. Cordially,

Dear Kinsley,

I hope this email finds you in good spirits. Grayson has entrusted me with updating you on our recent achievements. Your continued support is valued, and we look forward to future collaborations.

Cordially, Nathan Turner [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Highlight recent achievements and express optimism about future collaborations.

6. Yours Sincerely,

Dear Kinsley,

I trust this message finds you well. On behalf of Grayson, I am excited to share our progress on the new project. Please find the detailed report attached for your review.

Yours Sincerely, Ava Carter [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Provide a summary of the project progress and encourage questions or suggestions.

7. Kind Regards,

Dear Kinsley,

I hope this email reaches you in good health. Grayson has designated me to discuss the upcoming event logistics with you. Your expertise in event planning is appreciated, and I look forward to your insights.

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Kind Regards, Cameron Walker [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Discuss specific event logistics and seek Kinsley’s recommendations.

8. With Warm Regards,

Dear Kinsley,

I trust this message finds you well. As Grayson’s representative, I am reaching out to discuss the recent budget proposal. Your input is crucial, and we value your financial expertise.

With Warm Regards, Isabella Bennett [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Attach the budget proposal and express openness to a discussion or clarification.

9. Best Wishes,

Dear Kinsley,

I hope this email finds you in good health. Grayson has asked me to convey his gratitude for your ongoing support. Attached is a token of appreciation for your dedication.

Best Wishes, Lucas Foster [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Include a gesture of appreciation, such as a digital gift card or voucher.

10. Warmest Regards,

Dear Kinsley,

I trust this email finds you well. On behalf of Grayson, I am reaching out to discuss the upcoming strategic planning session. Your insights are crucial, and we look forward to a collaborative session.

Warmest Regards, Elena Rodriguez [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Outline key points for discussion in the strategic planning session and encourage preparation.

Read More: Synonyms for “For Your Reference” in an Email

11. With Appreciation,

Dear Kinsley,

I hope this message reaches you in good spirits. Grayson has asked me to express his appreciation for your recent contributions. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and we are grateful for your dedication.

With Appreciation, Mason Martinez [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Acknowledge specific contributions and express gratitude for Kinsley’s efforts.

12. In Appreciation,

Dear Kinsley,

I trust this email finds you well. On behalf of Grayson, I wanted to extend our collective appreciation for your collaboration on the recent project. Your commitment to excellence is commendable.

In Appreciation, Harper Mitchell [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Discuss project highlights and express gratitude for Kinsley’s role in achieving success.

13. Yours Faithfully,

Dear Kinsley,

I hope this message finds you in good health. Grayson has designated me to coordinate the upcoming team-building event. Your participation is crucial, and we anticipate a successful event.

Yours Faithfully, Quinn Davis [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Provide details about the team-building event and encourage team members’ participation.

14. With Gratitude,

Dear Kinsley,

I trust this email finds you well. Grayson has empowered me to express our collective gratitude for your timely support. Attached is a small token of appreciation as a gesture of thanks.

With Gratitude, Aria Taylor [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Include a digital thank-you card or certificate as a tangible expression of gratitude.

15. With Best Regards,

Dear Kinsley,

I hope this email finds you in good spirits. On behalf of Grayson, I am reaching out to discuss the upcoming client presentation. Your insights are invaluable, and we look forward to a successful presentation.

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With Best Regards, Oscar Robinson [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Outline key points for the client presentation and seek input from Kinsley.

16. Yours Respectfully,

Dear Kinsley,

I trust this message finds you well. Grayson has requested me to provide you with an update on our recent collaborations. Your involvement has been integral, and we value your continued support.

Yours Respectfully, Hazel Wood [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Summarize recent collaborations and express appreciation for Kinsley’s contributions.

17. Very Truly Yours,

Dear Kinsley,

I hope this email reaches you at a convenient time. On behalf of Grayson, I am excited to share the news of our recent partnership. Your insights played a crucial role, and we look forward to future successes.

Very Truly Yours, Elijah Baker [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Provide details about the new partnership and express optimism about future collaborations.

18. Yours Cordially,

Dear Kinsley,

I trust this email finds you in good health. Grayson has designated me to coordinate the upcoming training session. Your expertise in training and development is crucial, and we value your involvement.

Yours Cordially, Sienna James [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Outline the agenda for the training session and encourage questions or suggestions.

19. Faithfully Yours,

Dear Kinsley,

I hope this message finds you well. On behalf of Grayson, I am reaching out to discuss the recent client feedback. Your insights are essential, and we look forward to addressing any concerns raised.

Faithfully Yours, Dylan Turner [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Summarize key points from client feedback and seek Kinsley’s input on addressing concerns.

20. In Friendship,

Dear Kinsley,

I trust this email reaches you at a convenient time. Grayson has asked me to extend his warm regards and appreciation for our collaborative efforts. Your friendship and partnership are valued, and we look forward to continued successes.

In Friendship, Zoe Carter [Your Name]

Scenario addition: Reflect on past collaborations, express gratitude for Kinsley’s friendship, and discuss plans for future endeavors.

Additional Nuances:

Pros and Cons of Different Sign-Offs:


  1. Professionalism: Each sign-off exudes a level of professionalism appropriate for various scenarios.
  2. Flexibility: The variety allows for flexibility, ensuring the tone matches the nature of the correspondence.
  3. Personal Touch: Some sign-offs, such as “In Friendship,” add a personal touch, fostering a more intimate connection.


  1. Choosing Appropriate Sign-Offs: The wide range of sign-offs may require careful consideration to choose the most suitable one for a given context.
  2. Consistency: Maintaining consistency across different letters while using varied sign-offs can be challenging.

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