20 Ways to Say “Please Let Me Know if This Time Works for You”

Scheduling meetings can sometimes feel like navigating a maze, especially when trying to find a suitable time for everyone involved. Whether you’re arranging a business meeting, a virtual catch-up, or a coffee chat with a friend, finding the right words to ask about someone’s availability can make all the difference in setting up a successful meeting.

 Here are twenty polite and effective ways to ask someone if a proposed time works for them, along with some scenario examples to help you put these phrases into context.

List of Ways to Say “Please Let Me Know if This Time Works for You”

  • Can you verify if this time aligns with your availability?
  • Would you mind confirming if this time is convenient for you?
  • Kindly inform me if this time fits into your schedule.
  • Could you please let me know if this time works for you?
  • Is this time suitable for you? Please advise.
  • Let me know if this time works for you, please.
  • Can you confirm whether this time is suitable for you?
  • Please indicate if this time is acceptable for you.
  • I would appreciate it if you could confirm if this time suits you.
  • If this time is not convenient, please suggest an alternative.
  • Please inform me if this time meets your requirements.
  • Can you please confirm if this time is agreeable for you?
  • Let me know if this time fits with your schedule, please.
  • Could you confirm whether this time suits you?
  • Please advise if this time is suitable for you.
  • If this time doesn’t work for you, please let me know.
  • Kindly let me know if this time is convenient for you.
  • I would appreciate your confirmation if this time suits you.
  • Please confirm if this time is good for you.
  • Let me know if this time aligns with your availability.

1. Could You Confirm if This Time Suits Your Schedule?

 Could You Confirm if This Time Suits Your Schedule


Hi Royle,

I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing to schedule our upcoming team meeting and wanted to check if Thursday at 10:00 a.m. works for you. Could you confirm if this time suits your schedule?

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Offer a couple of alternative times in case the proposed time doesn’t work for the other person. This shows flexibility and consideration for their schedule.

2. Please Let Me Know if This Time Is Convenient


Hi Royle,

I trust you’re doing well. I’d like to arrange a meeting to discuss the new project details. Please let me know if this time is convenient for you:

  • Date: Monday, February 26
  • Time: 3:00 p.m.

Looking forward to your confirmation.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Be specific about the purpose and agenda of the meeting to help the other person prioritize their time effectively.

3. Please Indicate if This Time Is Appropriate


Hi Royle,

I hope you’re having a great day. I’m organizing a conference call to discuss the upcoming marketing campaign. Please indicate if this time is appropriate for you:

  • Date: Wednesday, March 6
  • Time: 9:30 a.m.

Your input would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Provide a brief overview of the topics to be discussed in the meeting to give the other person a clear idea of what to expect.

4. Let Me Know if You Can Make This Work

Let Me Know if You Can Make This Work


Hi Royle,

I trust this email finds you well. I’m reaching out to schedule our next team meeting. Let me know if you can make this work:

  • Date: Friday, March 15
  • Time: 2:00 p.m.

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Mention any specific time constraints or limitations you have to help the other person understand your availability better.

5. Do You Have Availability for This?


Hi Royle,

I hope you’re doing well. I’d like to schedule a call to discuss the project timeline. Do you have availability for this? The proposed time is:

  • Date: Thursday, March 21
  • Time: 11:00 a.m.

Your prompt response would be appreciated.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Express gratitude for their time and willingness to accommodate the meeting.

6. Can You Fit This Into Your Schedule?


Hi Royle,

I trust you’re having a productive day. I’m organizing a training session for our team and wanted to check if Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. works for you. Can you fit this into your schedule?

Looking forward to your confirmation.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Consider the other person’s time zone if you’re scheduling a meeting with someone in a different location.

7. Please Confirm Whether This Time Works


Hi Royle,

I hope this email finds you well. I’d like to schedule a meeting to discuss the budget review. Please confirm whether this time works for you:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 2
  • Time: 10:00 a.m.

Your input is crucial for our planning.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Keep your email concise and to the point, focusing on the essential details to avoid confusion.

8. Can You Confirm Your Availability for This Proposed Time


Hi Royle,

I trust you’re doing well. I’m organizing a project kick-off meeting and wanted to check if Monday at 1:30 p.m. suits your schedule. Can you confirm your availability for this proposed time?

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Use a friendly and polite tone to make the other person feel comfortable and valued.

9. Is This Time Suitable for You?


Hi Royle,

I hope you’re having a great week. I’m scheduling a call to discuss the client presentation. Is this time suitable for you?

  • Date: Friday, April 12
  • Time: 9:00 a.m.

Looking forward to your confirmation.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Offer to provide additional information or materials related to the meeting if needed.

10. Would You Mind Confirming if This Time Is Convenient for You?


Hi Royle,

I trust this email finds you well. I’m organizing a team meeting and wanted to check if Thursday at 3:30 p.m. works for you. Would you mind confirming if this time is convenient for you?

Your prompt response would be appreciated.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Use a polite tone and avoid using overly formal language to maintain a friendly and approachable demeanor.

Read More: Synonyms for “Wear Many Hats” on a Resume

11. Could You Confirm Whether This Time Suits You?


Hi Royle,

I hope you’re doing well. I’m scheduling a project review meeting and wanted to check if Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. fits into your schedule. Could you confirm whether this time suits you?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Consider the other person’s workload or commitments when proposing meeting times to increase the likelihood of their availability.

12. Is This Time Convenient for You?


Hi Royle,

I trust you’re having a productive day. I’d like to schedule a brainstorming session for our upcoming campaign. Is this time convenient for you?

  • Date: Wednesday, April 24
  • Time: 2:00 p.m.

Your input is valuable to us.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Acknowledge any inconvenience the proposed time may cause and offer flexibility if necessary.

13. Would This Time Work for You?


Hi Royle,

I hope this email finds you well. I’m organizing a training workshop and wanted to check if Thursday at 11:00 a.m. would work for you. Would this time work for you?

Looking forward to your confirmation.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Provide context or background information about the meeting to help the other person understand its importance and relevance to them.

14. Are You Available at This Time?


Hi Royle,

I trust you’re doing well. I’m scheduling a review session for our recent project. Are you available at this time?

  • Date: Monday, May 6
  • Time: 10:30 a.m.

Your attendance would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Offer to adjust the meeting time if the other person has conflicting commitments or prior engagements.

15. Could You Let Me Know If This Time Works?


Hi Royle,

I hope you’re having a wonderful day. I’m arranging a virtual meeting to discuss the upcoming deadlines. Could you let me know if this time works?

  • Date: Friday, May 10
  • Time: 3:00 p.m.

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Follow up with a reminder closer to the meeting date to ensure that the other person hasn’t forgotten about the scheduled time.

16. Would It Be Possible for You to Attend at This Time?


Hi Royle,

I trust this email finds you well. I’m organizing a presentation for our new product launch. Would it be possible for you to attend at this time?

  • Date: Tuesday, May 14
  • Time: 1:00 p.m.

Your presence would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Consider the other person’s preferred method of communication when sending meeting requests, whether it’s via email, phone call, or a messaging platform.

17. Could You Advise If This Time Is Suitable?


Hi Royle,

I hope you’re doing well. I’d like to schedule a one-on-one discussion to review your project updates. Could you advise if this time is suitable?

  • Date: Wednesday, May 22
  • Time: 9:30 a.m.

Looking forward to your confirmation.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Provide an agenda or list of discussion topics in advance to help the other person prepare for the meeting.

18. I’d Appreciate Your Feedback on This Proposed Time


Hi Royle,

I trust you’re having a productive week. I’m arranging a strategy session for our team. I’d appreciate your feedback on this proposed time:

  • Date: Thursday, May 30
  • Time: 4:00 p.m.

Your input is valuable to us.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Acknowledge any time zone differences and accommodate them as much as possible to make it easier for the other person to attend the meeting.

19. Can You Let Me Know If You’re Free at This Time?


Hi Royle,

I hope this email finds you well. I’m scheduling a call to discuss the upcoming event logistics. Can you let me know if you’re free at this time?

  • Date: Friday, June 7
  • Time: 2:30 p.m.

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Use a conversational tone to make the other person feel comfortable and encourage open communication.

20. Would You Be Available to Meet Then?


Hi Royle,

I trust you’re doing well. I’m arranging a meeting to finalize the project timelines. Would you be available to meet then?

  • Date: Monday, June 10
  • Time: 11:00 a.m.

Your participation is important to us.

Best regards, Oscar

Additional Tips: Offer to send a calendar invitation or meeting reminder to help the other person keep track of the scheduled time.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Using a variety of polite and considerate language options can cater to different communication styles and preferences.
  • Cons: It’s essential to strike a balance between being courteous and being overly repetitive in your communication to avoid sounding insincere or formulaic. Vary your language and approach to keep your messages engaging and genuine.

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