3 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Read More

Reading has been shown to be one of the best things that you can do for your mental health. Yet, as much as many of us know it’s good for us, many of us find ourselves struggling to do as much reading as we should. 

From digital distractions to life getting in the way, many of us find ourselves wishing we could read more. And while it’s easy to give into these excuses, the truth is that it’s best to eliminate them whether you enjoy nonfiction or fiction, motivating yourself to read more is a great goal. 

If you’re looking for ways to make reading a bigger part of your life, here are some tips to make it a regular part of your daily routine.

Surround Yourself With Books

One of the most straightforward and effective ways to motivate yourself to read is by surrounding yourself with books.  If you have a bookshelf, then by all means— fill it with books! From art books to history books to murder mysteries, fill up that bookshelf and pick up a book once in a while. 

Keep books next to your bed and in the bathroom, and bring a book along with you when you go to appointments. The more books you have on hand to choose over your phone or another electronic device, the more likely you are to read instead of giving in to temptation.

Set Realistic Goals

Setting goals is an important part of motivating yourself. However, get too ambitious with your goals and you could find yourself in over your head and unmotivated to keep going. One of the best ways to motivate yourself is by setting goals that you can actually achieve and increase as you go. 

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Your goals can range from how many books you read a month to how many pages you read a day. Set a goal that works for you and your lifestyle.

There are plenty of apps that can help you stay up to date with your goals and make sure you’re reaching them. You could even join reading challenges with friends and make reading a competitive game! Whatever it takes to make you feel more motivated and less overwhelmed about the idea of reading will help.

Create a Reading Routine

If you can manage to make reading a part of your daily routine, then it’s more likely to fit into your lifestyle. Create a routine that could be anything from reading first when you wake up with your coffee, to reading right before you go to bed. Start to program it into your daily life and it’ll start to feel just as normal as any other part of your routine, from brushing your teeth to making your dinner.

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