What is the Collective Nouns for Pelicans

Collective nouns are specific terms used to describe groups of animals, people, or objects. They enrich language by encapsulating the essence of collective behavior. When discussing pelicans, these collective nouns offer insight into their social dynamics and interactions.

What are Collective Nouns?

Collective nouns are words used to refer to a group of people, animals, or things as a single entity. They streamline language and provide vivid imagery. For instance, instead of saying “a group of pelicans,” you can use the collective noun “a squadron of pelicans.”

Collective Nouns for Pelicans

Below is a table listing some common collective nouns used for pelicans along with simple examples:

Collective NounExample
SquadronA squadron of pelicans soared gracefully over the ocean waves.
PodA pod of pelicans rested on the rocky shoreline, basking in the sun.
ColonyA colony of pelicans nested together on the secluded island.
FleetA fleet of pelicans dove into the water, hunting for fish.
RookeryThe rookery of pelicans nested high in the trees, overlooking the marshlands.
Read More: What is the Collective Nouns for Finches

Example Sentences:


  1. A squadron of pelicans soared gracefully over the ocean waves, their synchronized flight mesmerizing to watch.
  2. We spotted a squadron of pelicans diving from great heights into the water, their powerful wings propelling them beneath the surface in search of fish.
  3. The squadron of pelicans circled above the fishing boats, patiently waiting for scraps from the day’s catch.
  4. As the sun began to set, a squadron of pelicans lined the pier, their silhouettes outlined against the colorful sky.
  5. A squadron of pelicans flew in formation, their steady beats echoing across the shoreline.


  1. A pod of pelicans gathered on the sandy beach, their distinctive beaks dipping into the water as they hunted for food.
  2. We watched as a pod of pelicans floated gracefully on the calm waters of the bay, their sleek bodies barely causing a ripple.
  3. The pod of pelicans huddled together on the rocky outcrop, seeking shelter from the gusty winds.
  4. As the tide receded, a pod of pelicans waded into the shallow pools, probing the mud for small fish and crustaceans.
  5. The pod of pelicans rested on the sandbar, their feathers ruffled by the gentle breeze.
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  1. A colony of pelicans nested on the small island, their raucous calls filling the air as they tended to their chicks.
  2. We explored the colony of pelicans, marveling at the intricate nests woven from sticks and grass.
  3. The colony of pelicans gathered on the rocky cliffs, surveying the coastline for signs of approaching storms.
  4. A colony of pelicans migrated south for the winter, their V-shaped formations stretching across the sky.
  5. The colony of pelicans squabbled over prime nesting spots, jostling for position on the crowded rookery.


  1. A fleet of pelicans skimmed the surface of the water, their wingtips barely touching as they glided effortlessly along.
  2. We spotted a fleet of pelicans diving into the ocean, their bodies disappearing beneath the waves in pursuit of fish.
  3. The fleet of pelicans migrated along the coastline, their synchronized movements a testament to their instinctual navigation skills.
  4. As the storm approached, a fleet of pelicans took shelter in the sheltered cove, riding out the rough seas together.
  5. The fleet of pelicans stretched for miles, a seemingly endless line of birds disappearing into the horizon.


  1. The rookery of pelicans bustled with activity, with adults returning from fishing trips and young chicks eagerly awaiting their next meal.
  2. We visited the rookery of pelicans during nesting season, witnessing the delicate courtship rituals and elaborate displays of affection.
  3. The rookery of pelicans perched high in the trees, their nests providing a safe haven for raising their young.
  4. As evening fell, the rookery of pelicans settled down for the night, their sleepy calls lulling the forest to rest.
  5. The rookery of pelicans echoed with the sounds of chicks chirping for food, their parents tirelessly bringing back fish from the sea.
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Interesting Facts about Pelicans

Pelicans possess a variety of fascinating traits and behaviors:

  • Longevity: Pelicans are long-lived birds, with some species living for over 30 years in the wild.
  • Physiological Features: Pelicans are known for their large, pouched bills, which they use to scoop up fish while hunting. They have webbed feet for efficient swimming and powerful wings for soaring.
  • Dietary Habits: Pelicans primarily feed on fish, which they catch by diving from the air or floating on the water’s surface. They are excellent hunters, capable of swallowing large prey whole.


Understanding collective nouns adds depth to our appreciation of pelicans and their social behavior. From the majestic squadron soaring overhead to the bustling rookery nestled in the treetops, these terms evoke images of pelicans thriving in their natural habitats.

By exploring the world of collective nouns, we gain a greater understanding of both language and the natural world. So, the next time you encounter a group of pelicans, remember to refer to them by their collective noun and marvel at the intricacies of their social interactions and fascinating biological traits.

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