What is the Collective Nouns for Wasps

Collective nouns are words used to describe groups of things, often animals. They add richness and specificity to language, allowing us to paint vivid pictures with our words.

When it comes to describing groups of wasps, there are several collective nouns that can be used to capture the essence of these fascinating insects.

Introduction to Collective Nouns

Collective nouns are words that represent a group of individuals or things. They help streamline communication by allowing us to refer to multiple entities with a single term. For example, instead of saying “a group of wasps,” we can simply say “a swarm of wasps.”

Collective Nouns for Wasps

Here’s a table listing some common collective nouns used for wasps, along with a simple example for each:

Collective NounExample
SwarmA swarm of wasps flew out of the nest.
NestA nest of wasps hung ominously from the tree branch.
ColonyThe colony of wasps aggressively defended their territory.
HordeA horde of wasps descended upon the picnic table.
PlagueA plague of wasps made it difficult to enjoy the garden.
Read More: What is the Collective Nouns for Vultures

Example Sentences:


  1. A swarm of wasps buzzed angrily as we approached their hive.
  2. We stumbled upon a dense swarm of wasps while hiking through the woods.
  3. The farmer discovered a large swarm of wasps nesting in the old barn.
  4. Residents were advised to stay indoors due to a swarm of wasps in the neighborhood.
  5. The picnic was disrupted by a sudden swarm of wasps attracted to the food.


  1. A nest of wasps formed in the eaves of our house over the summer.
  2. The children accidentally disturbed a hidden nest of wasps while playing in the yard.
  3. The gardener carefully removed a nest of wasps from the shrubbery.
  4. A large nest of wasps hung precariously from the tree branch.
  5. The attic was infested with a colony of wasps building multiple nests.
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  1. The colony of wasps aggressively defended their territory.
  2. We observed a bustling colony of wasps tending to their larvae.
  3. The researcher studied the social hierarchy within a colony of wasps.
  4. A nearby colony of wasps posed a threat to the outdoor dining area.
  5. The garden was home to a thriving colony of wasps building elaborate nests.


  1. A horde of wasps descended upon the picnic table.
  2. We encountered a relentless horde of wasps while camping in the wilderness.
  3. The orchard was overrun by a horde of hungry wasps feasting on ripe fruit.
  4. Residents rushed indoors to escape the advancing horde of wasps.
  5. The sudden appearance of a horde of wasps startled the outdoor wedding guests.


  1. A plague of wasps made it difficult to enjoy the garden.
  2. The vineyard was threatened by a plague of wasps damaging the grapevines.
  3. The campsite was evacuated due to a plague of wasps nesting nearby.
  4. Farmers struggled to control the plague of wasps destroying their crops.
  5. A sudden plague of wasps swarmed around the outdoor café, forcing patrons to flee.

Interesting Facts about Wasps

Wasps are fascinating insects with unique characteristics and behaviors. Here are some interesting facts about them:

  1. Longevity: Unlike bees, which die after stinging, many species of wasps can sting repeatedly without harming themselves. Some queen wasps can live for several years, while worker wasps typically live for a few weeks to a few months.
  2. Physiological Features: Wasps have slender bodies with narrow waists, distinguishing them from bees. They come in a variety of colors, including yellow, black, and metallic blue. Some species have striking patterns on their bodies.
  3. Dietary Habits: Adult wasps primarily feed on nectar, but they also hunt other insects to feed their larvae. This makes them beneficial to ecosystems as natural pest controllers. However, some species are known to be aggressive scavengers around human food sources.
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Understanding collective nouns adds depth to our descriptions of the natural world, including the social behavior of insects like wasps. By using the appropriate collective noun, we can paint a more vivid picture of the group dynamics and behavior of these fascinating creatures.

Furthermore, appreciating the unique traits and behaviors of wasps can deepen our understanding of their ecological role and importance in the ecosystem.

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