Most companies today know that their reception area is one of the first things that people notice and use to judge their companies. This is why many businesses are now choosing curved reception desks over traditional styles for their waiting areas, as it strikes a strong first impression by sending a message of modernity and style. These desks also offer various practical benefits that make them one of the top choices for almost every office nationwide.
Ergonomic Advantages
While most people believe that the curves and contours on this desk are only for stylish reasons, this could not be further from the case. Instead, these features have been carefully crafted to enhance the comfort and productivity of individuals. As an illustration, a receptionist sitting behind a curved semi-circle desk will never have to reach too far before grabbing all the materials they need to complete all their tasks.
This ergonomic benefit should help to reduce strain over time and squash the chances of back pain and injuries. So, you may want to consider how this feature will impact your receptionist if you have been struggling to pick between a traditional table and a reception desk with a curved design.
Improves Communication by Placing Your Receptionist at the Center
The last thing any business wants is for their customers and potential clients to feel like they are being ignored because they are not in the direct line of sight with your receptionist. Unfortunately, this happens often in waiting areas that use traditional rectangular tables, as customers who are not directly being spoken to can easily feel left out of the conversation.
With a curved design, you can wave goodbye to this issue as all clients should be able to wrap around the table instead of hanging to the side or back. Once your receptionist is at the center of the action, they should be able to see everyone, enhancing customer service and creating a more engaging and positive experience.
Greater Privacy
Items on traditional tables often have to be tucked away in cabinets or laid bare for all clients and visitors. This may lead to a drawer being slammed open and shut each time a new client walks up to the desk or another individual’s sensitive information being laid bare for everyone to see. Fortunately, most curved desks today solve this problem by providing vertical cabinets visible only to your receptionist.
This design pattern offers the same level of privacy while reducing the strain of diving through a cabinet each time your receptionist needs to retrieve a new file or document. So, you may want to explore curved reception desk collections if your company deals with sensitive documents.
While the sleek lines and unique designs of curved reception desks will always get your guests and visitors talking, you should also remember that it has some amazing features that make it a must-have for any modern office. Its unique approach to ergonomics will help ensure that your receptionist always has a bright smile on their face, while its privacy features should smash any chances of any sensitive data getting seen by others.
The best thing about curved reception desks is that you do not have to choose between form and function. Instead, you can have the one-of-a-kind design of this waiting area table without losing out on the stand-out features of a regular reception desk.
Dariel Campbell is currently an English instructor at a university. She has experience in teaching and assessing English tests including TOEFL, IELTS, BULATS, FCE, CAE, and PTEG. With over a decade of teaching expertise, Dariel Campbell utilizes his knowledge to develop English lessons for her audience on English Overview.